-Wayne Gretzky"
-Michael Scott"
-Adit Jain

Dumdass by profession
Introvert by nature
Dumdass by profession
Introvert by nature
I qualified JEE and took admission in B.Tech Electrical Engineering in 2020. Life seemed to change after this, exploring and learning became like a hobby for me. Since then I tried many things but at last finally I settled on learnig web developement, programming robots, interacting with drones and learning piano. This website is actually all about the better side of mine.
First time I came here at IIT KANPUR , it amazed me with its beauty and greenry and till now it amazes me with something or the other. Of course, I aim to write this one day since I am yet to visit the college physically :(
I am a curious person by nature! So in collaboration with my friend Sunreet Khanna (Electrical Engineering), we started an IITK Homepage. Homepage Link
There is one piece of advice I want to give to everyone especially to students "Never waste your these precious 4 years at any cost".
In my first year at IITK, I joined the ACA project of WebDev which helped me learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, all of which I have used in creating this webpage.
Yes, my batch was the first one in a very very long time to give class 10th boards :(. But still, I somehow managed to get a decent 97,2% in them.
Robotics has always been my passion. By being a part of the Team, I am trying to learn some aspects of aerial vehicles. I've learnt ROS, OpenCV and how to use them with C++.
During my 12th boards, as you mav have already guessed, I was in the batch of 2020 and gave the exams during a pandemic! I got a nice 96.6% in the 12th boards.
I took part in a summer project by the SnT council titled 'Space: The Final Frontier' in which I literally got to know about ROCKET SCIENCE. And frankly, it was one of the most amazing experiences till date!
In class 10, I qualified the prestigious NTSE. I also qualified KVPY-SA and KVPY-SX in class 11th and class 12th respectively The interview was a bit tough (may be due to nervousness), but I loved it!!
Okay, so, enough about me.. I wanna get to know you!
Drop me a text or contact me on social media: